Number Lookup API

All endpoints require HTTP basic authorization header with Messente API username and password.

You can find the API username and password under your Account API Settings.

Requests info about phone numbers


Request Body

Body is required. Numbers for lookup
Property Type Info
numbersrequired array

A list of phone numbers. Max 10 numbers per request.

Element type: string

Successful Response

HTTP 200 - Info about phone numbers returned
Property Type Info
request_idrequired string

ID of the request

resultrequired array

A container for phone number info objects

Info about a phone number

Property Type Info
numberrequired string

Phone number in e.164 format

roaming boolean

Indicates if a number is roaming

ported boolean

Indicates if a number is ported

roamingNetwork object

Info about the network related to the phone number

Property Type Info
mccmnc string

Mobile country and mobile network code

networkName string

Mobile network name

countryName string

Country name

countryPrefix string

Country prefix

countryCode string

Country code

currentNetwork object

Info about the network related to the phone number

Property Type Info
mccmnc string

Mobile country and mobile network code

networkName string

Mobile network name

countryName string

Country name

countryPrefix string

Country prefix

countryCode string

Country code

originalNetwork object

Info about the network related to the phone number

Property Type Info
mccmnc string

Mobile country and mobile network code

networkName string

Mobile network name

countryName string

Country name

countryPrefix string

Country prefix

countryCode string

Country code

portedNetwork object

Info about the network related to the phone number

Property Type Info
mccmnc string

Mobile country and mobile network code

networkName string

Mobile network name

countryName string

Country name

countryPrefix string

Country prefix

countryCode string

Country code

status string

Status of the phone number

Possible values:
  • ON - Phone is switched ON and available
  • OFF - Phone number is valid, but the phone is currently not reachable
  • INVALID - Phone number is invalid
  • UNKNOWN - SRI was inconclusive (timeout, no response, unknown), prefix-based logic was used

Indicates if any error occurred while handling the request

Error Responses

HTTP 400 - Invalid request
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
HTTP 402 - Failed crediting
Property Type Info
errorsrequired array

An array of errors

A container for Number Lookup API error

Property Type Info
errorrequired object

Error fields container

Property Type Info
descriptionrequired string

Error description

coderequired integer

Matches the following error title. This field is a constant

  • 101 - Unauthorized
  • 102 - Invalid arguments or parameters
  • 103 - Server error
  • 104 - Crediting error #1
  • 105 - Crediting error #2
  • 106 - Client error
Maximum: 106
Minimum: 101