Not production

Smooth integrations

Integrate Messente with your existing systems or connect to your favorite tools

  • Hassle-free integration
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Thousands of integrations
 Messente partners with companies across Europe

Hassle-free integrations

Messente offers great API documentation but also native integrations with your favorite apps

Discover Messente's API

Integrate Messente with our developer-friendly API documentation

Connect your tools via Zapier

Zapier makes it possible to choose from thousands of different integrations

Built-in Salesforce integration

Send messages directly from your favorite apps and receive professional support

We play well with all your apps


Made for the whole customer journey

With its effectivness spanning across industries, SMS lead generation enables brands to capture attention and drive conversions when done right.


Send images, videos, and other rich media to millions. With open rates around 98% SMS, Viber, and WhatsApp messages are many users' preferred channel.


Perform due diligence and KYC checks, and let security-conscious customers set up 2FA on their preferred channel.


Stay compliant and make sure your customers know about important alerts, even if they are disconnected from a cell tower or the Internet.

4.7 stars
4.7 stars
4.3 stars
5 stars
Messente is totally different to our previous provider where the responses and feedback loops were much longer. It took three hours just to write something back like 'your request was received'.

Now the average response time is in minutes.
Mat Bondarenko
Head of Service Delivery
With Messente, our account manager is not a proxy between us and some experts.

They share insights without us asking, which helps us save time and money - instead of searching for answers.
Olga Ivanova
Email Marketing Manager
Messente delivers. I know that I can sleep well because I know that our messages are in good hands. And in case of any issue, I also know that they help us. This is what I really appreciate. 
Kristjan Bek
IT analyst

Integrate seamlessly with your systems

Get in touch, and start integrating Messente already today!