The work of HR practitioners is fast becoming not only increasingly complex but increasingly diverse in its range of responsibilities. Gone are the days where Human Resources was dominated by simply pushing paper in an office!

Those working in HR know just how important it is to establish reliable communication with both current and potential employees. Poor employee communications can generate huge losses for your business. A survey of 400 companies that have over 100,000 employees found that the average loss of profit attributed to poor internal communications was $62.4 million!

Expanding options

In the current age of communications technology, the sheer amount of options to choose from when it comes to employee communication channels can be overwhelming. Email, messaging apps, online workspaces, digital conference rooms – with every passing day, there seems to be another platform or messaging service to add to the mix!

But sometimes, it helps to go back to basics and keep things simple. The use of SMS in human resources communications is tried and tested and yields impressive results. With an open rate of over 98% and a 90-second response time, texting is a foolproof way to ensure fast and direct communication with employees.

Text messaging for HR internal communications

Text messaging is the perfect tool for human resources as they have to be connected to every single part of the business. Using text to communicate is the only way to be sure that employees can not only receive the information but are also guaranteed to view it very quickly after the message is sent. HR carries a lot of responsibility, meaning ensuring good communication for them is incredibly important.

However, most software system companies know this and put a premium price on any of these communication services. With text messaging you have the perfect, cost-effective, communication system. You can augment this further with alerts and reminders with the only cost being that data rates may apply.

Text message writing tips

Perhaps the greatest benefit to using SMS employee communication is how concisely and directly it allows HR departments to reach their employees. There are several components involved in using SMS effectively, such as knowing exactly when to send out your internal communications. To maximize the efficiency of SMS communication, it’s important to get to grips with writing specifically for text messages.

Keeping a text message quick, simple, and to the point is the best way to go. Another great time-saving solution for HR departments is to create a series of templated text messages for various situations that can be deployed at the drop of a hat!

Here is a quick guide to some of the situations for which SMS is the most effective choice for HR communication!

Recruitment phase

For any IT recruitment process, it’s important right from the start to establish direct and clear communication with potential employees. Contacting new recruits by text message about interviews and orientation should be done with as much clarity as possible, to ensure a smooth onboarding process. One effective strategy is to send a text in conjunction with an email, inviting the recruit for their onboarding. Texts should be helpful, simple and communicate only the most important information:

  • Date
  • Location
  • Option for RSVP

Including just these simple keynotes ensures that new recruits have the essential facts. Furthermore, adding a link to an online RSVP with further details (such as employee handbooks, directions for recruitment, setting up a phone call or training facilities) not only makes sure employees will be at the right place at the right time but gives them the materials they need to make the most out of their onboarding.

Company log-ins

SMS is one of the most secure methods of delivering important administrative information, such as log-in details for company software and databases. SMS offers the opportunity for HR departments to securely contact their employees, using a variety of multi-factor verification methods. Managers can easily send a one-time passcode via text so that employees can log in to a secure account and make sure that the system is only accessed when permission is granted

Using this approach for the distribution of secure information ensures that only those with the appropriate authorization can access vital business resources, giving you and your executives peace of mind.

Mandatory employee communication events

It is vital that HR departments are able to ensure the attendance of mandatory company events, such as training days and annual meetings. Sending out a company-wide SMS with a note stressing the urgency and mandatory nature of these events, with adequate prior notice, will ensure maximum attendance and make sure the whole company is on the same page.

Upcoming deadlines

When important deadlines loom, it’s important that HR departments issue regular reminders to the employees of their responsibilities. Having scheduled text messages ready to be issued in accordance with applications for things like benefits, tax returns, and allowances will make sure your employees are grateful for having their eyes kept on the calendar!

Scheduling text messaging

As any HR practitioner knows, scheduling can be one of the most complicated and time-consuming aspects of the job! With constant rearrangements and cancellations, it can be hard to keep track of last-minute changes to scheduling. Text messaging allows HR to keep a single line of communication between employees to ensure that clashes are avoided, and allow teams to fill in for one another, should an emergency arise.

Emergency internal communication

A good HR department is prepared for anything and should be able to communicate with its employees en-masse at a moment’s notice. This is of even more vital importance in emergency situations, such as unexpected shift cancellations, security risks, or crisis announcements. The ability to notify your staff of an emergency will ensure that your workforce is kept safe – a top priority for any Human Resources department!