Not production

Subscription API

Our Subscription tool enables you to collect phone numbers from your customers using our ready-made web tool.


Callback request on subscription

Messente provides a free tool that allows you to collect phone numbers from your customers.

The phone numbers can be downloaded as CSV file via Dashboard or it can be also automatically pushed to your backend using HTTP callback URL.

Configuring callback URL

You can configure the callback URL for every campaign separately as shown on the screenshot below:

Messente Callback URL

Request parameters

idUnique identifier of the subscription
phonePhone number that was submitted
timeTimestamp in "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" format

Expected response


Example callback request

GET {YOUR_CALLBACK_URL}?id=free-cappuccino-at-coffee-shop&phone=%2B4432648720935&time=2019-07-18%2006%3A51%3A31