Not production

Verification API Documentation

The API has been deprecated. Looking to build a one-time phone verification? Use our Number Verification API instead for a more flexible solution

Service Setup

When starting with Verification API you will first need to register your Service to get a unique ServiceID that will be later used to add and verify your users.

You may have multiple separate web services using the same Messente account, therefore you can create multiple Services and receive multiple ServiceID's in the process.

Request to register a service will be made to the following URL:


Request headers

HTTP header Description Required
Content-Type application/json Yes
Accept application/json Yes
X-Service-Auth Refer to authentication section on how to authenticate your API calls with Messente API username and password Yes

Request body (JSON encoded)

Key Description Required
fqdn Fully Qualified Domain NameExample: or Yes
name Name of your service, that will appear as the issuer in the Verigator app.Example: CoffeeShop Yes

Response body (JSON encoded)

Key Value
id Newly created ServiceID. You will need to store this in your Verigator API configuration.Example: 81213bfd-b690-499e-b9d2-8754cb1550e8
name Name of the Service as provided in request body.Example: CoffeeShop
ctime Datetime of the created service in RFC 3339 specification.Example: 2017-07-06T13:12:03.141Z

HTTP Response Codes

STATUS code Value Description
201 Created Service successfully created
401 Authentication required Missing authentication headers (X-Service-Auth)
403 Forbidden Forbidden request
404 Not found
409 Conflict Service already exists
422 Invalid data Invalid request body - check the format and if it was correctly JSON encoded


from messente.verigator.api import Api

# initialize api
api = Api("username", "password")

# create your service
service ="", "service_name")
// Initialize the Verigator API with your Messente API credentials
Verigator verigator = new Verigator(API_USERNAME, API_PASSWORD);

// Create a Service resource for your service, you do this only once!
Service service = verigator.createService("Some example service", "");

// Store the returned Service id in your server's configuration files
String serviceId = service.getServiceId();