Not production

Verification API Documentation

The API has been deprecated. Looking to build a one-time phone verification? Use our Number Verification API instead for a more flexible solution

Adding User to Service

After setting up your Service you can start adding Users to your Verigator Service.

Request URL

Request to register a service will be made to the following URL:


Where {ServiceID} in the URL will be replaced with your ServiceID.

Request headers

HTTP header Description Required
Content-Type application/json Yes
Accept application/json Yes
X-Service-Auth Refer to authentication section on how to authenticate your API calls with Messente API username and password Yes

Request body (JSON encoded)

Key Description Required
id_in_service Username in your service that is used for logging in - usually users email address.Example: or john_doe Yes
phone_number Users phone number with country prefix.Example: +4401234567 Yes

Response body (JSON encoded)

Key Value
id Newly created UserID.You will need to store this in your database for this user - this UserID will be used for user authentication.Example: 81213bfd-b690-499e-b9d2-8754cb1550e8
ctime Timestamp when the user was added to the service in Verigator
id_in_service Username in your service that is used for logging in - same as provided in the Request Body

HTTP Response Codes

STATUS code Value Description
201 Created User successfully created
401 Authentication required Missing authentication headers (X-Service-Auth)
403 Forbidden Forbidden request
404 Not found
409 Conflict User already exists
422 Invalid data Invlalid request body - check the format and if it was correctly JSON encoded


from messente.verigator.api import Api

# Initialize API
api = Api("messente-api-username", "messente-api-password")

# Create your service
service ="my-service-id")

# Add User to your Service
user = api.users.create(, "+xxxxxxxxxxx", "username")
public static final String API_USERNAME = "";
public static final String API_PASSWORD = "";
public static final String VERIGATOR_SERVICE_ID = "";

// Initialize the Verigator API with your Messente API credentials
Verigator verigator = new Verigator(API_USERNAME, API_PASSWORD);

// After creating the service, for all future requests you get Service instance like this:
service = Service.get(verigator, VERIGATOR_SERVICE_ID);

// Now you can start syncing your service's users to Verigator
User user = service.registerUser("", "+3725555555");