Many marketers believe that the era of SMS messages has already ended, and the era of messengers and social networks has begun. But they are only partially right. Yes, instant messengers and social networks have become the most popular means of communication between brands and consumers, but this does not mean that we should forget about the classic SMS.

Learn more about SMS marketing in our expert's guide!

Fortunately, the era of total spam has also ended, so it makes sense to use SMS marketing strategies to retain, engage, return customers and, of course, increase loyalty. In this article, we explain why this approach makes sense and what you can do right now.

SMS Messaging Facts and Statistics You Should Know About

Textual communication between the brand and the consumer has become the primary way to stay in touch. This is true for SMS messages, as well as for mailing lists, blog posting, and interaction on social networks. All these communications take place through text.

However, SMS messages, text messages in Viber or Telegram are really more personal and more personalized. And more effective - the following statistics confirm this:

  • SMS marketing campaigns have a 45% conversion on average.

  • Users respond to text messages 60 times faster than emails, and the average response time is 90 seconds (for comparison, the average user needs 90 minutes to respond to an email newsletter)

  • SMS marketing campaigns provide an opportunity to increase user engagement 6-8 times.

  • 75% of users are absolutely loyal to receiving SMS messages from brands.

However, the following logical question arises immediately.

Is There a Way to Measure Loyalty?

Loyalty is an abstract concept - it is almost impossible to measure loyalty with mathematical indicators. The only way to measure loyalty is to conduct a direct survey among users, but only after you have established a trusting and lasting relationship with them.

SMS marketing campaigns can be a powerful tool in achieving this goal, but only in combination with other marketing approaches.

Here are a few things you can do to increase user loyalty through SMS and text messaging

Add Loyalty When Sending Messages to Those Who Love Texting

Yes, although text marketing campaigns are usually effective and successful, not all users like text messages. Many of them prefer to communicate on social networks or receive emails.

Fortunately, these users are in a clear minority. However, to prevent results of your SMS campaigns being spoiled due to the irritating factor, you need to segment your customers very carefully.

The easiest way to do this is, as we already said, to ask a direct question and find out in what way the identified user wants to interact with you. Moreover, such an approach will immediately increase efficiency - since you will send SMS only to those people who have given their consent to this.

And the question that you asked at the very beginning will definitely add loyalty even from those who do not want to receive SMS. After all, you asked permission before you start a conversation - and that already means a lot.

Add Loyalty When You Personalize Your Messages

Personalization is not a hype marketing word; it is an urgent need to remain competitive. The most obvious way to personalize your SMS is to contact the user by name at least, congratulate on major holidays and support in stressful situations. 

Users want to feel caring and support from brands. Modern sales are not about formal deals. It's about warm relationships between people and companies.

Add Loyalty When You Track the Behavior Factors

You will significantly increase user loyalty if you take into account behavioural factors. For example, if you see that a certain user has not opened the application for a long time to make a purchase, but before that, he was an active client, then a quick SMS can help restore relations. And in this case, in addition to the fact that your message should be as personalized as possible, it should also be motivating.

It makes sense to offer free shipping, promotional codes, discounts, and personalized promotions. Plus, add a personalized selection of goods or a set of services that the client used previously.

Add Loyalty When You Predict Necessities

Modern users are demanding - they want to get what they want even before they realize the need. The challenge for brands is to learn to anticipate these needs based on customer data and behavioural analysis.

These insights can be valuable information for the formation of SMS marketing strategies, and of course, a powerful tool to increase loyalty. What could be more pleasant than when someone knows how to predict your desires, and moreover, is able to fulfill them? Work with user data is becoming increasingly important for the formation of loyalty as well.

Add Loyalty When Sending the Content Users Are Expecting from You

70% of users feel confused when they receive content that is not relevant to them. This creates an informational noise and destroys loyalty, both at the beginning of a relationship and long-term.

Therefore, the next way to increase user loyalty through SMS is to give them the content that they expect to receive from you, and which will be useful to them.

For example, car owners will be happy to receive reminders about the need to replace seasonal tires, and customers of clothing brands will not mind getting a list of fashionable new products or trends.

By the way, it is necessary to give users relevant content regardless of the means of communication. This is true for your blog, social networks, and even guest posting.

Add Loyalty When You Catch Users at the Right Time

In this case, you certainly need a thorough analysis of all available data, as well as additional services like Messente for SMS automation. Also, such software will help you to build loyalty due to greater security - it is possible to create one-time PIN codes, algorithms for two-factor authentication and messages to confirm operations.


It would be wrong to refuse SMS marketing because it is supposedly not fashionable anymore - modern smartphones still support this classic function. Integrate the SMS marketing strategy into your development strategy - and use the best qualities of SMS messages that still remain relevant.