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5 Best Salesforce Apps for Your Business Needs
Marcus Kallavus
A comprehensive introduction to the best Salesforce apps covering different business needs, from marketing and sales to customer service and DevOps.
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The Last Mile Delivery Problem: Challenges and Solutions
Marcus Kallavus
Discover effective solutions to the challenge of the last-mile delivery problem. Enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction.
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Mapping the eCommerce Customer Journey in 5 Key Stages
Marcus Kallavus
Navigate the intricacies of optimising the eCommerce customer journey. Explore the five key stages to building an effective customer journey map.
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Customer Retention Cost: What it Means for Your Business
Marcus Kallavus
Learn the significance of customer retention cost and how to calculate it accurately. Discover strategies to reduce this cost and maximize profit.
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Fintech Forecast: Trends that define the industry in 2024-2025
Uku Tomikas
Explore the top five biggest trends shaping the future of finance and fintech in 2024 & 2025 with FinTech executive and strategist Linas Beliūnas.
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Marketing Message Systems: Key lessons learned from the largest banks in the world
Uku Tomikas
Deep dive into common failures when using instant messages for marketing, based on the lessons learned in Barclays, HSBC, and others. Register today!
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Increase eCommerce Sales: 10 Successful Strategies
Marcus Kallavus
Explore the top ways to increase eCommerce sales in a competitive market. We talk about ten proven strategies, old and new, to capture your audience.
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Omnichannel Banking: Elevating the Customer Experience
Taavi Rebane
Explore the seamless, customer-centric approach of omnichannel banking that's moving the finance industry towards an enhanced customer journey.
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Choosing an Omnichannel Platform: 7 Best Options
Marcus Kallavus
Learn about the benefits of an omnichannel platform and the top 7 options to choose from, including HubSpot, BigCommerce, and ActiveCampaign.
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eCommerce Advertising: 8 Effective Strategies for 2024
Taavi Rebane
Explore eight winning eCommerce advertising strategies, such as social media, SMS, SEO, and display ads, with powerful tips for effective campaigns.
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eCommerce Management: All You Need to Know
Marcus Kallavus
Learn the essentials of a holistic and robust eCommerce management strategy and discover solutions to common challenges faced by industry players.
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7 Popular Mobile Payment Systems and Their Benefits
Marcus Kallavus
Explore a wide range of mobile payment systems, from SMS payments to in-app transactions, and why you need to offer various options to customers.
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Omnichannel Customer Experience: Benefits & Key Components
Marcus Kallavus
Learn why businesses must deliver a seamless omnichannel customer experience and explore the key components of a successful strategy.
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Best Secure Messaging App Options in 2024
Karl Kalvik
Here’s how to choose a secure messaging app, among top choices like Viber, WhatsApp, and more, for your personal and business communication needs.
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Account Takeover: Methods of Attack and Tips for Prevention
Karl Kalvik
Learn the tactics cybercriminals use to carry out account takeover attacks, their impact, and how to build your defences with strong prevention methods.
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Passwordless Authentication: Key Benefits and Types
Karl Kalvik
Learn about the two categories of passwordless authentication methods, with examples. Achieve better security, cut costs, and deliver an excellent UX.
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5 Customer Retention Strategies for Unstoppable Growth
Marcus Kallavus
Discover the best customer retention strategies that pay off in the long run. We talk about proven tactics that keep customers coming back for more.
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24 Key Ecommerce Metrics and KPIs You Need to Track
Marcus Kallavus
A comprehensive list of eCommerce metrics you must track and analyse regularly if you want to boost your store's growth and success in the market.
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