Confirmations make life easier. Whether it's confirming an upcoming flight or reminding a customer about a dental appointment, each reminder is as important as the other.

Text message appointment confirmations and reminders can prevent misunderstandings and chaos, especially if your business provides services by scheduled appointment.

No-shows can occur when there is a misunderstanding between a business and a customer about the booked appointment time. Or, a customer might not want to attend their appointment anymore and choose not to inform the business. Sometimes, the customer might simply forget about their appointment.

In any case, no-shows present a challenge for many service-related businesses due to wasted time, missed opportunities, and associated costs. If you are a business that provides services by appointment, you will benefit from sending an appointment confirmation text to each customer ahead of time to prevent no-shows and save time for you and your staff.

Read on to discover more about how missed appointments can negatively impact businesses and why timely, relevant SMS notifications are the solution.

The impact of missed appointments on businesses

Appointments are easily missed these days – we have all probably forgotten about an appointment or two ourselves because we lead busy lives that are full of distractions such as family, work, and leisure. So although no-show appointments are commonplace for businesses, they are still a significant blow to the bottom line.

Both the private and public sectors of the health and wellness industry, as well as other sectors like churches and non profits, get hit really hard by no-shows. NHS England, for instance, sees 1.2 million General Practitioner (GP) hours being wasted each year, adding up to a cost of more than £216 million. That cost alone is bad enough, but consider the knock-on effect on those people who are desperately waiting for a GP appointment, who would jump at the chance of seeing their doctor in the event of a cancellation.

The hairdressing and beauty industry is also severely affected by no-shows. According to research from Powered by Flossie, the UK hairdressing industry loses at least £1.2 billion each year as a result of no-shows.

Then there's hospitality, a sector that has faced disruption more than most this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. All too frequently, people don't turn up for restaurant reservations.

Celebrity chef Tom Kerridge recently called out 27 no-shows at one of his restaurants, stating that the industry was on the verge of collapse and that no-shows affect costs and force uncomfortable decisions about staffing levels.

In the HR and recruitment industries, missed interview or assessment appointments can delay the hiring process, as well as affect the scheduling of other candidates. This can lead to longer vacancy periods and, ultimately, increased recruitment costs.

What is an appointment confirmation text?

Doctor using a smartphone

Appointment confirmation text messages act as reminders. Their main purpose is to prevent no-shows by reminding customers of their scheduled appointments and bookings beforehand via SMS messages.

Reminders are usually sent on the same day as the booking via SMS, hours or days before an upcoming appointment. Recipients can reply via text message or click on a link to confirm, cancel, or reschedule their upcoming appointment. These messages are often used by doctors, veterinarians, hair salons, and other services that offer services by appointment.

Why send an appointment confirmation message by text

A friendly reminder via text can encourage attendance and prevent the likelihood of cancellation. With the right appointment reminder app in your corner, you can easily distribute appointment time reminders and general text reminders to customers.

In some cases, you can automate the process of sending appointment confirmation texts and reminders to streamline your workflows.

Instead of time-consuming phone call reminders or lengthy appointment confirmation email messages, you can send concise, branded appointment reminder texts to customers. When you remind customers about upcoming appointments ahead of time, it gives them the necessary time they might need to reschedule appointment bookings.

Using the right SMS solution and confirming appointments at scale is not very challenging.

As a marketing and communications channel, text messages are extremely popular because they have an excellent open rate of 98%.

Using a communication channel with such high open rates to confirm appointments will drastically improve attendance rates.

Simply put, text messages get seen. Your customer does not even have to own a smartphone. A simple feature phone with cellular network coverage will ensure that your customer receives your text. On top of that, people tend to have their mobile devices on them, or close by, for most of the day and check their phones regularly. Case in point: Americans check their phones 96 times per day; that's once every 10 minutes, according to a study conducted by Asurion, a global tech care company.

Woman reading text messages from a smartphone

What to say when confirming an appointment by text: Best practices

Here are some good practices we recommend, including details about the key elements necessary for creating the perfect appointment confirmation text template.

1. Use the customer's name

Personalization is key. You can craft personalized messages not just around your business for branding purposes but also around the customers you are trying to target by addressing them with the right titles and names.

If you are sending appointment confirmation texts for a hair salon, you can be more informal. However, if you are a legal firm or hospital, using formal names would be more suitable.

2. Confirm all the important details

An appointment confirmation text is not just a reminder of the time of an appointment. It should always confirm important details and include the appointment date, time, and location.

On top of that, you should include any extra details that might help the customer out, such as the doctor's name or precise directions, and even a link to a map that explains how to get to the designated location.

Avoid burdening customers with too many unnecessary details, and remember that you are limited to 160 characters. So, prioritize the most important content and add extra detail only if you have space left. Given the criticality of such a message, make sure to double-check and confirm the text before sending it out to the customer.

3. Keep it concise but complete

Yes, it's best to keep SMS messages under the 160-character limit to avoid splitting them into multiple segments. But you also need to make sure that you're not skipping any necessary information just so you can send short confirmation messages. If you need to provide in-depth information, opt for a short URL to direct clients to a comprehensive webpage containing all the important information.

4. Provide the option to opt out

Try to make your customer's life as easy as possible. You can do this by allowing them to confirm, reschedule, or cancel their appointment without leaving their SMS app.

Although a large fraction of customers prefer text reminders, some might not want to receive them in their inboxes. This is why you should always provide an option for them to opt out of receiving any texts from you entirely at any point in time.

5. Timing is everything

Send your appointment confirmation texts at strategic times. For initial confirmations, immediately after booking is ideal. For follow-up notifications or reminders, consider the nature of the appointment. For some appointments, it might be best to send a notification a few days in advance, while for others, the customer could be good with only a 24-hour notice. You can further experiment and adjust delivery times based on no-show rates or customer feedback.

6. Confirm receipt

It's nice to give the customers the option to text back with a simple yes or no to confirm their attendance in response to your appointment alert. Be clear in telling them how to respond to a confirmation text. For instance, you can add "Reply Y to confirm appointment, or N to cancel" so they know exactly what to do. You can also prompt them to ask questions if anything is unclear. If you offer customer service via SMS, you can ask customers to drop a text on the helpline or respond to the same text. If not, mention a phone number they can call.

To be extra nice, you can send a polite "Thank you for confirming your appointment" or similar after the customer has sent a confirmation.

Appointment confirmation text message examples

You will want to get all the important details across as briefly as possible in a text. Take a look at these appointment reminder templates below, which cover different businesses and services.

Medical and dental industries

Missed appointments in this sector can lead to delayed diagnoses and treatments, which can have devastating consequences. Confirmation messages could also include a tip about maintaining oral hygiene or a prompt to remember any questions the patient may want to ask during their visit. This not only avoids no-shows but also adds value to the patient's experience and reinforces the importance of regular care.

Dental appointment reminder text template

Hi [Patient Name], you're booked in with our [Hygienist Name] at [Time] on [Date] at our [Branch Name/Address]. Need to reschedule? Change time/date: [URL]

Post-appointment follow-up confirmation message

Thanks for visiting us, [Client Name]! Your next follow-up is due in 1 week. It's crucial for your ongoing care. Please book your spot here: [URL] or reply for assistance. See you soon!

Lab test appointment

Your appointment has been scheduled for a [Test Name] at [Lab Name]. Please stop eating and drinking 8 hours prior. See you on [Date] at [Time]!

General medical appointment reminder text message

Your health check-up with Dr. [Doctor Name] at [Clinic Name] is on [Date] at [Time]. Please bring your insurance card and any recent test results. Questions? Call [Phone Number].

Veterinary visit text message confirmation

[Name of Pet] is due for his annual vaccinations at [Time] on [Day+Date] at [Clinic Name]. Not convenient? Rearrange it: [URL]

Appointment confirmation text message sample

Health and wellness industry

Appointment confirmations in this sector not only help manage schedules efficiently but also encourage clients to prioritize their physical health and mental well-being. Here are some examples.

Yoga studio session confirmation

Find your zen! Your yoga session with [Instructor Name] is scheduled for [Date] at [Time]. Please bring your mat and arrive 10 mins early. 🧘‍♀️ Need to reschedule? Click here: [URL]

Podiatrist appointment

Your feet are in for a treat at [Clinic Name], [Time] on [Date], [Name]! Need to cancel? Call 48 hours before to avoid a fee. [Phone Number]

Fitness center appointment

Your next personal training session at [Gym Name] with [Trainer Name] is confirmed for [Date] at [Time]. Don't forget your water bottle and towel. See you there! 💪

Beauty industry

In the beauty industry, where appointments are the backbone of service delivery, ensuring that clients remember their bookings is crucial. Check out our template examples for services within the beauty sector, designed to keep your calendar full and your clients informed.

Hair appointment confirmation text

Hey [Name], your [Service Name] is booked for [Time] on [Date] at [Salon Name]. Can't make it? Call [Phone Number] now to reschedule or cancel.

Spa services

Your friend [Name] has just gifted you a spa day with [Spa Name] on [Date] at [Time]. We're looking forward to pampering you. 🛀 To modify your appointment, call [Phone Number].

Hospitality industry

The hospitality business thrives on providing memorable experiences to guests, whether they're dining out, staying at a hotel, or attending an event. In such a service-oriented sector, one of the best ways to exceed your guests' expectations is clear and timely communication. Confirmation messages will also help you to prepare for guests' arrival well in advance. Here are some examples.

Restaurant reservation confirmation text

Hello [Guest Name]! Your table at [Restaurant Name] is confirmed for [Date] at [Time]. We look forward to serving you a delightful meal. Need to modify your reservation? Please call us at [Phone Number].

Hotel booking confirmation message

Hi [Guest Name]! Your stay at [Hotel Name] is booked from [Check-in Date] to [Check-out Date]. For any special requests, reply to this message or contact [Phone Number]. See you soon!

Insurance industry

Confirmations and reminders can ensure policyholders stay on top of their policy renewals or claims processing meetings, reducing the chances of missed appointments and ensuring a smoother customer service experience. Here's an example.

Claims assessment appointment

Your claims assessment appointment is set for [Date] at [Time] with [Adjuster Name] at [Location]. Please bring all necessary documents. Need to reschedule? Click here: [URL]

HR industry

An appointment confirmation text can help ensure candidates remember their commitments and provide them with an easy way to reschedule if necessary, keeping your recruitment pipeline smooth and efficient.

Recruitment appointment example

Hello [Candidate Name], we're looking forward to meeting you for the [Job Title] position interview on [Date] at [Time]. Please be on time. Reply YES to confirm or NO to reschedule. Best, [Your Company Name] HR Team.

Assessment day reminder

Your assessment day for [Job Title] at [Company Name] is coming up on [Date]. Please bring [Necessary Documents] and arrive at [Location] by [Time].

Automotive industry

For the automotive industry, appointment confirmation messages can not only help optimize workshop schedules but also enable customers to keep track of their service dates, ensuring their vehicles remain in optimal condition.

Repair consultation confirmation

Confirming your repair consultation for [Vehicle Model] on [Date] at [Time] at [Service Center Name]. Please bring any relevant vehicle documents.

Auto repair appointment reminder

[Name], your [Vehicle Model, Reg No], is booked in for a service at [Time] on [Date] at [Auto Shop Name]. Reply Yes to confirm. Rearrange at: [add URL]

In the last appointment confirmation message sample, we've also shown you how you can politely inform customers how to confirm an appointment by text from their end, making both your lives easier.

Furthermore, in the event that a customer actually cancels their reservation, make sure to send an appointment cancellation text message. This will confirm their decision and remove any ambiguity from either side, enhancing the smooth customer experience.

If you're running short on space while creating your appointment confirmation text, try our free tool.

How to set up appointment confirmation text messages

The easiest way to send appointment confirmation texts is to use an SMS messaging API that integrates with your appointment scheduling system. Such a system can not only send out automated confirmation texts but also trigger reminders or even missed appointment text messages automatically. That way, once they are set up, you can simply forget about them and get on with the day-to-day running of your business.

When setting up your appointment reminders, be sure to consider timings. Sending a text reminder too soon can mean that your customer still forgets about their appointment. And sending it too late means your customer will not get much time to think about rescheduling it if they need to.

A good rule of thumb is to trigger your appointment confirmation text messages to send a few days beforehand, but the right time really depends on your business and the type of services offered. 

For example, an auto repair company may need to send reminders out a week in advance, so customers have plenty of time to arrange alternative transport for when their vehicle is being worked on. A massage appointment, on the other hand, is something that a customer might easily forget the day of. So you can drop a friendly reminder text at the start of the day, for instance.

Get started with appointment confirmation texts

At Messente, appointment confirmations and reminders are one of our main use cases. Our SMS API can integrate with whichever scheduling system you use, enabling you to automate the process of sending out appointment confirmation texts. The setup can be completed by your developer in just a few hours.

Additionally, you can use Messente to send a range of SMS campaigns, including promotional texts and customer service messages. Learn more – create a free account to get started.

Data source:

1 Murphy, R., & Taaffe, C. (2019). Using SMS Reminders to Reduce Non-attendance at Hospital Appointments: an Umbrella Review of Key Issues, Department of Health Research Paper.