Not production

Number verification widget

Number Verification Widget

Verification Widget API endpoint

API endpoint

Request parameters

Key Value
user Your Messente API username  Yes
version Version of the API used - currently fixed to "1"  Yes
callback_url URL where user is redirected back  Yes
phone Optional parameter which pre-fills the user phone number in the widget  No
sig Calculated MD5 hash with secure password. See "Secure Signature Calculation" for more details.  Yes

Secure Signature ("sig") Calculation

"sig" is a secure MD5 hash calculated using your Messente API password as a secret ("pass" parameter).

Signature is composed by concatenating all the verification widget HTTP POST keys and parameters (no spaces in between), ordered alphabetically by keys.

Example "sig" calculation

user = 039u230pifj23pg9ih23pgi23
pass = iejfp23oigh230p9gh32pgh2
version = 1
callback_url =

sig = md5(callback_url
// sig = 75024ad39fc4cee828cd103b88b3df4

Response parameters

Key Value
user Your Messente API username used in the request
version Version of the API used - currently fixed to "1"
status Verification status VERIFIED | CANCELLED
phone Phone number which was used for verification
sig Calculated MD5 hash with secure password. See "Secure Signature Calculation" for more details.

Verifying returned request

If the user is redirected back to the main website, the Secure Signature ("sig") has to be verified again by using your Messente API password ("pass") to avoid spoofing successful verification.

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Live Demo

Click the button to check out phone number verification widget: